The Company assesses carefully the market needs. Its focus is on customers’ satisfaction and quality control and insurance.
The Company is committed towards its continuous improvement and enhancement of its production, manufacturing and quality control processes, which require regular research in the field.
To be more competitive and flexible on the domestic and worldwide markets, its quality control system has been improved according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008. Contracts requirements and quality control standards are rigorously and regularly met thanks to the commitment of its staff that makes any efforts to proudly reach the established objectives.
Cutting-edge technologies are used to carry out controls and ensure quality control procedures that comply with standard service level agreements.
Specific service level agreements can be agreed upon customers’ request.

Quality control equipment:
Tesa Visio 300 Optical Measurement System
Laser Measuring Systems Tesa Scan 25
Roughness Tester
Measuring Microscopes
Profile Projectors
Digital Altimeter
Measuring Benches
Plug Gauges and Threaded Rings
Vernier Callipers
and so forth.